Doll knitting -
ELISE and Roses in the Garden

Doll knitting Model 0003D ELISE - Suit, Headscarf, and Socks
(This patterns fits 17" - 18" dolls like American Girl doll, Baby born and Alexander doll.)

I love celebrating summertime and roses in my garden by launching this new knitting design: ELISE,  which comes from the Hebrew Elisheva, meaning abundance and perfection.

My doll knitting friends live all over the world. Just now some of you enjoy wintertime; others take pleasure in the summertime. 

You know, many people are thinking of Norway as a cold place close to the North Pole, with Polar bears walking around in the streets. Well, that is not quite true. Not that about the bears. However, the beautiful roses in my garden are really true. No doubt about that.

After fourteen days with 28 C degrees (85 F degrees), the roses are now flourishing, ...

(This patterns fits 17" - 18" dolls like American Girl doll, Baby born and Alexander doll.)

 ... they are are now abundantly flourishing, they are a magnificent sight. 

Then I did the only thing I could do; I went out into the garden and ...

knitting patterns for 18 dolls

  ... from the roses I picked the color representing the abundance and perfection of the summertime, the perfect color for a perfect material -Dale of Norway STORK 100% Egyptian cotton. For thousands of years Egyptian cotton has been the very perfect material for light clothes and hot weather. 

Join Elise & me for an inspirational walk in the Garden. ELISE, abundance and perfection, that's a really perfect name. Don't you agree? 

Regards Målfrid

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                                      Regards Målfrid

0003D ELISE 
Suit, Headscarf, and Socks. (Fits 17" - 18"/45cm dolls like American Girl doll, Baby born and Alexander doll.)  Click on the picture to view pictures in the Photo Gallery. US $7.75

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